Ron Smith announces his show is ending

Bryan Sears of Patch

Ron Smith announced Monday that he’s retiring from his radio show on WBAL—ending a 26 year run on local air waves.

“The decision has been made by me to stop appearing on the radio shows,” Smith said on WBAL Radio. “I’m retiring. I basically can no longer do it. I’m getting weaker every day and it’s basically time to pull the plug.”


Smith said Monday that he’s now in hospice care at home. He said he was hoping to continue the show but is no longer physically able.

“The curtain is coming down now and I’m bidding everyone a fond farewell now,” said Smith.

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  1. 1

    [...] to wall-to-wall tribute coverage upon his passing. Smith has been battling pancreatic cancer and recently stopped his show (after previously announcing he had ended [...]

    Pingback by WBAL-AM on “hour to hour” Ron Smith watch | Inside Charm City: Baltimore, Maryland blog — December 5, 2011 @ 12:04 pm

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