Heating bills to go up this winter

Posted by Jeff Quinton on September 23, 2008


Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BGE) said Tuesday that its residential customers can anticipate a $110 average increase this winter from last winter in the gas portion of their bill.

Assuming what the company called a “normal” winter, the BGE average residential customer can expect to pay approximately $792 during the heating season, compared to $682 for the same period a year ago. This is primarily due to the increase in market price for natural gas, company officials said.

The time frame in question is from Nov. 1 to March 31, 2009.

1 Comment »

  1. Comment by John

    $110 increase is way too much in one year. I found this site which gave some programs that help save bills, both from the gov’t and utility companies themselves. http://www.needhelppayingbills.com Do you have any other help sites? Also, we should contest this increase from BGE. Call your politician. Thanks

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