Tax credits for solar power in Anne Arundel

Posted by Jeff Quinton on December 1, 2008


More solar panels could populate roofs in Anne Arundel in the coming years, saving homeowners money on their electric bills but also draining some of the county’s limited tax revenue given the regional appeal for solar energy.

A bill before the county council would give a property tax credit to homeowners who install solar panels that produce electricity. A technical change is needed because the current credit only applies to solar energy used to heat water.

“Anne Arundel is home to two-coal fired power plants, and this bill goes with that saying, ‘Think globally and act locally,’ ” said Councilman Josh Cohen, D-Annapolis, a bill co-sponsor.

Anne Arundel, Howard, Harford, Montgomery and Prince George’s are the only counties to offer residential tax credits for solar energy.

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